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Lil Beez
Teacher Resources

At Lil-Beez Preschool Books, we believe that teachers are the true champions of early childhood education. They play a pivotal role in shaping young minds, fostering a love for learning, and creating a foundation for future success. To support these dedicated educators, we have curated a collection of invaluable teacher resources like the annual Curriculum, Monthly Syllabus, Topic wise Lesson-Plans, Rhymes videos & many more that will enhance the teaching and learning experience in your preschool classroom.


Please Note,

  • Use the horizontal scroll in the below table to access resources of all classes.

  • Click on the blue links to access the resources.

Nursery Lesson Plans
LKG Lesson Plans
UKG Lesson Plans

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1  |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1 |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English  |   Math |  EVS

3. Rhymes


1. June Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1  |  Math  |  EVS - June

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1 |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1  |  EVS

3. Rhymes


1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1  |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  | Math Term 1 |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans  (All Subjects)

3. Rhymes


1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1  | EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans 

 English Term 1  |   Math Term 1 |  EVS

3. Rhymes

1. Curriculum

2. Lesson Plans  All Subjects

3. Rhymes

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